My husband is very supportive and doesn't eat sugar all week. Then on Saturday, he has "sugar day." Of course I've been participating. This week's sugar day included Lehi Bakery doughnuts for breakfast, then Cafe Rio for dinner followed by a Sweet Tooth Fairy cupcake. It was a bit much. I loved it, but it was a lot.
I didn't even weigh myself yesterday. Yesterday, I was on the straight and narrow, and am committed to staying there until I lose my next 10 pounds, which will put me at my pre-pregnancy weight.
Anyway, this morning I was at my normal weight. The past two weeks, I have not been strict with myself at all with the diet. I haven't gained weight, but I haven't lost, either. I'm hoping that now that I'm back and focused, the weight will start coming off again. I think going 10 pounds at a time is the right pace for me. Telling myself that I just have to lose 10 pounds, then doing that over and over again with breaks in between.
I really wish my baby would sleep through the night. Last night he woke up three times, his norm. Being up with him for only the 15 minutes it takes to change and feed him might not seem like a big deal, but it really does take a lot longer than that when all's said and done. First, I wake up to him crying. I wait a few minutes to see if he will go back to sleep (my feeble attempt at sleep training). Then I go in his room, change him if I think he needs it, feed him for 10 minutes or so, then put him back in his bed. Sometimes I need to go to the bathroom, and if I changed him then I definitely wash my hands, then I go back to bed myself and try to fall back to sleep. I'm not laying there long before I drift back off, but some nights I'm not asleep long enough to complete a full sleep cycle until 5 or 6 am. That was the case last night. I have gotten to the point that I try to take naps while the boys both sleep during the day, but I can rarely make it work.
I guess what I'm saying is, if I got enough sleep, I think I would have more energy and focus. I would be able to go to the gym in the mornings. I could go to the gym in the mornings now, but I am just not willing to give up my best 2-3 hours of sleep of the day in order to do it.
Anyway. Off to face the day. Wish me luck.
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