Tuesday, April 10, 2012

720 calories in an hour.

Oh baby, I've still got it!

I got on the treadmill last night with my usual goal of 600 calories in an hour. I noticed when I kicked up the incline a little, I would exceed my goal.

So what did I do? I kicked it up a little more to make my goal an even 700. By the time 60 minutes was up, I had burned about 710, then I needed a little cool down because I was REALLY booking it. that brought me to 720.

I play a little game with myself on the treadmill. 10 calories a minute is "on schedule." So after 15 minutes, I should burn 150 calories to stay on schedule. Anything more than that is just a bonus.

I'm going tonight again and I want to burn 720 in the 60 minutes. Notch it up a bit each time.

Things are going pretty well with my food journal. I think I'm ready to go beyond just writing things down, to cleaning up my diet a little bit. My diet isn't terrible, but I have room to improve.

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